Suprarealist Sculptures

Suprarealist Sculptures


Suprarealism and sculpture

How can we give material form to the invisible, in a conscious way? This is the goal of suprarealist sculpture. Suprarealism is a new visionary realism of art, and of science. In sculpture there is, above all, a realism of forms that exceeds its limits by succeeding the psyche. It is she who guides the suprarealist sculptors: their personal psyche, in resonance with the collective psyche.

Due to this, the body masses lose their weight. The statues become thoughts, emotions, feelings, despite their real weight.

Sculpture Photo Gallery

However, they are not dancers, nor circus acrobats. Their attitude is natural, they do not know that we are watching them. These are the symbols of states of mind outside the artist. Thanks to them the artist is in symbiosis with the world: plant, animal and human.

Mad-Jarova produced monumental works in the fields of painting and sculpture. Some are placed in public places. His visionary statues, strikingly realistic, are carried away by a mysterious force which releases them from their weight.

Do you know that skill in art has nothing to do with craftsmanship? The work is created deep in the soul of the artist,

but the know-how is the basis of any authentic work.

It is a benchmark on which the creation of an era is based. Without it, everything could be considered art.

Without it, values remain subjective, but above all speculative.

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